Welcome to the Bounty Board! The intent of this page is to get you creating and claiming bounties as quickly as possible.
Table of Contents
💡 More of a visual learner? Check out our flowcharts (work in progress)
Bounty Board Flowcharts
Bounty Board Concepts
- Bounties are units of work that have some reward attached to them - do the work and you get the reward!
- Bounties have two types of users:
- creators are those who offer a reward to get work done for them
- contributors are those who do work to get a reward
- Bounties have the following states:
- Draft - Creators create bounties in draft mode. This allows the creator to double-check all information.
- Open - Creators publish bounties to make them open to be claimed by contributors.
- In-Progress - Contributors claim bounties to work on them. Once claimed, a bounty is In-Progress while the work is being completed.
- In-Review - Contributors submit bounties to be reviewed by creators.
- Completed - Creators complete bounties to signal they have accepted the work.
- Bounties are paid by creators outside of the bounty board. There is currently no facility in the bounty board to accept or disburse tokens. This will be added in the future, but for now most bounty creators pay via Discord tipping or direct-to-wallet.
Discord Quick Start Guide
You can use the bounty board on Discord via Bountybot, our lovable Discord helper!
Video Walkthrough
Create Bounty
Follow the steps below to make a new piece of work for contributors to claim. More of a visual learner? Check out
Go to the Discord channel in which Bountybot is active (usually something like #🧀bounty-board)
Type in /bounty create
This will open up and auto-complete form.

Enter the title
and reward
, pressing TAB after each

(optional, but recommended) Add a gate, which will allow you to limit who can claim the bounty, by selecting the gate
optional param and typing in the role (or user)