How to read Etherscan featuring the Open DAO Treasury!

Why is etherscan important?

  1. Etherscan is a tool that allows you to see every transaction that occurs on the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. This tool allows you to see what a wallet or smart contract has transacted as well as see the code of different smart contracts or even interact with them (this is for more advanced users).

Let’s take a look at the Open DAO treasury because if you’re a hodler and have placed trust in our multisig holders, it’s important to be able to track the treasury. Furthermore we can see all of the hodlers of SOS as well as the contracts that interact with it.

First head over to - note, it is always smart to type web addresses in your browser yourself for safety!

Next we will search for the SOS token using the Ethereum Blockchain Explorer. The SOS token contract is 0x3b484b82567a09e2588a13d54d032153f0c0aee0

It is important to always search etherscan by using the contract address because there are impersonators out there!

The page we come to will show all the transactions that have occurred using the SOS token on the Ethereum blockchain. You can even view the token contract if you want! For now we will instead click on the token name so that we can navigate to the token tracker page and see who holds this token.

Next we will select ‘Holders’ to see who holds this token.

You will see a number of different addresses in the holders tab. The largest of which is the new staking contract! Contracts in Etherscan are denoted by this symbol:

The second contract address we see is the treasury.

Click on this contract address to see what transactions this contract has been involved in.

We can see the transaction has only been involved in 1 transaction so far having received 20,000,000,000,000 SOS that hasn’t moved yet! The ‘Txn Hash’ is the code that uniquely identifies this transaction. ‘From’ denotes where the transaction came from. ‘To’ denotes who the transaction came to of course. Lastly we see the quantity which is relatively self explanatory. This will help you keep track of our treasury and this way you can verify any transactions that are ever approved.