1. Before you start, make sure you have all the contributors wallet addresses.

  2. Go to https://app.coordinape.com/new-circle .

  3. Login with your wallet on the top right hand corner.

Screenshot 2022-05-03 at 9.28.29 PM.png

  1. Once you have keyed in all the relevant details, click Launch this Circle.

  2. Click Add Contributor and add in all the Contributors.

Screenshot 2022-05-03 at 9.31.24 PM.png

  1. If the contributor can give tokens, but not receive tokens. For example, this contributor is rewarded in other means, you can click Force Opted Out.

  2. After you add in all the contributors, you can Create Epoch.

Epoch is like the time period that the contributors can go in and give tokens.

Screenshot 2022-05-03 at 9.33.08 PM.png

  1. At the end of an epoch export a CSV of the epoch data for analysis and distribution.

Reference: https://docs.coordinape.com/welcome/admin_info#at-the-end-of-an-epoch-export-a-csv-of-the-epoch-data-for-analysis-and-distribution.