👷‍♂️ Setup a Safe

Go to https://gnosis-safe.io/app/

Create a Safe

Add a Safe name

Add your teammates address and choose the number of transaction required (for example: 6 out of 8)

When the Multisig is created you can share its address

<aside> 🔗 https://xdai.gnosis-safe.io/app/#/safes/0xb451f2e3F707d298793Ce7cCdd455D20ED1E210E/balances


                                                  ☝️ this is how the Multisig page looks like

                                              ☝️ this is how the Multisig page looks like

📩 How to Send funds

Create the transaction

In our case 6 person have to confirm by signing the transaction (no fees required for that)

                             👆 this transaction is available in the "TRANSACTIONS" tab under "QUEUE"

                         👆 this transaction is available in the "TRANSACTIONS" tab under "QUEUE"

Once we have the minimum number of signatures, someone can Execute it (this is when you pay the gas fee)